Proceedings of
International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering CSEE 2013
Abstract: “As storage of data plays a key role in databases, security and maintenance issues becomes major concerns. Relational databases hold a significant portion of data stored in software, therefore today’s database purchase decisions revolve around how secure the product is. This paper provides a categorical head to head feature comparison between Oracle Database (Oracle) and IBM DB2 Universal Database (DB2), in terms of performance, scalability, manageability and consistency features provided in the Secure Way with emerging trends in technology. It explores the impact of IBM’s and Oracle’s transaction security models on users seeking to protect their critical information systems and contrasts IBM’s strategy of building security outside of the DB2 database against Oracle’s strategy of securing information in the database server[6].”
Keywords: Database security, Oracle Security, DB2 Security, Database Tuning, Partitioning, Database Cost.