Proceedings of
7th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Electronics and Communication ACEC 2018
Abstract: “Recent developments in information and communication technologies (ICT) have more impact on humans lifestyle and society, than ever before. However, in the most of the developing countries, still the potential of ICT has not been fully utilized, due to lack of infrastructure, limited resources and the higher cost. This ultimately possesses a burden on governments and regulating agencies to perform citizen’s related matters inefficiently. This paper presents a simple and low cost but yet effective, IoT based system for the issuance of e-passports to the citizens. The proposed system mitigates the time consuming traditional practices and the unnecessary involvement of human resources, thus it provides a fast, simple and low cost solution to the regulating authorities. The whole process from applying for passport to verification of credentials and issuance of passport can be done with the kiosk installed across the metropolitans and remote areas. The system is integrated with sensors an”
Keywords: Internet-of-things, Service-Oriented Architecture, e-Passports, COAP.