Proceedings of
3rd International Conference on Advances in Information Processing and Communication Technology IPCT 2015
Abstract: “Drug injection together with serum to vessel of patient is one of drug treatment (medication) methods. In this method it is necessary that drug must be given on the certain frequencies and within certain dosages during treatment to patient. Therefore serum should be injected to patient by very sensitive systems. In performed study control of serum flow rate was carried out by drop counting method without using another addition piece apart from standard serum sets. Because of control process of flow rate was performed the that way, automatically compressing and losing by engine of serum hose, any physical interference which would be made to serum system was blocked. Hereby more sterile treatment environment was created. Additionally there was provided possibility for more sensitive treatment while user inform is performed by LCD screen which is placed on it.”
Keywords: Microcontroller, drug treatment, drop counting method, serum flow rate.