Proceedings of
International Conference on Advances in Computer and Information Technology ACIT 2013
Abstract: “Theoretically Formal Specification (FS) approach can reduce the overall software development time. FS can be used to provide an unambiguous and precise supplement to natural language descriptions. Focus to this point, it can be rigorously validated and verified leading to the early detection of specification errors or debugs during software development process. Correcting errors at the early development stage is much cheaper than modifying a delivered system. FS could be verified and validated in order to explore the consequences of this specification and potentially find mistakes. Prior to these, we have greater confidence on the testing of such system against the actual user requirement specification. This paper proposes the use of Z spec approach in designing Spatial Information Databases Integration Model (SIDIM) as a case study of artificial reefs (AR) assessment project. This model serves as a basis for the integration task, and declarative rule languages for specifying integrati”
Keywords: SIDIM, Database Integration, Z Specification, Spatial Information System.