Proceedings of
1st International Conference on Advances in Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering CEEE 2012
Abstract: “Two types of acoustic noise exist in the environment. One is random noise caused by turbulence and having its energy evenly across the frequency bands so referred as broadband noise, and examples are the low-frequency sounds of jet planes and the impulse noise of an explosion. Another type of noise, called narrowband noise, concentrates most of its energy at specific frequencies this is produced due to rotating or repetitive machines, so it is periodic or nearly periodic. This paper explain the feed forward Fxlms algorithm for active noise control and the noise worked here are sinusoidal tones bellow 200 Hz ,computer fan noise and ceiling fan noise .Mat lab implementation of Feed forwad FXLMS algorithm is done and result is compared for different convergence factor and different filter length of control filter”
Keywords: LMS, Secondary path, Feedback Control, ANC, FXLMS