Proceedings of
4th International E-Conference on Engineering, Technology and Management ICETM 2021
Abstract: “River Engineering preserves environment while protecting the rivers against advanced human activities and flooding. Natural rivers and alluvial channels are shaped by interactions of sediment transport and flow rate. Because of sediment-transport processes the cross section and alignment of alluvial rivers may vary continuously with time passage. Alluvial rivers transport sediment in suspension or bed load shaping their downstream river morphology, dynamics, and ecosystems. River morphology includes the migration of issues deposited by water flow in the river channel across its floodplain. Storage and hydropower dams control the flood flows and the sediment transport capacity to the river at dam site. Morphological characteristics of the Nile River are affected by several changes; bank erosion, bank retreat, bed degradation, bed aggradation and scour around bridge piers. Morphological changes of the Nile River experiences should be closely observed and estimated in order to avoid their”
Keywords: Morphology, Modeling, Alluvial, Floodplain, Nile River, Sediment Transport, Migration, Degradation, Aggradation.