Proceedings of
1st International Conference on Advances in Computer, Electronics and Electrical Engineering CEEE 2012
Abstract: “Analysis of speech has become a popular non-invasive tool for assessing the speech abnormalities. Acoustic nature of the abnormal speech give relevant information about the type of disorder in the speech production system. In the recent year, the trend towards automated analysis of pathological noise signal has gain momentum. The awkwardness of analog equipment has simulated development of digital computer techniques for processing and analysis of pathological speech signal in patient care system. The given filter design techniques & prepossessing of speech signal can be used in any speech processing application. In this paper, speech signals of patients are taken and they are preprocessed .In prepossessing Speech signal is passed through Moving average, High pass filter for removal of noise. After removing the noise, the signals are framed & passed through window. The output of window has a preprocessed signal & can be used for any speech application like voice disorder identification”
Keywords: Pathological speech signal, moving average filter, high pass filter, framing, windowi