Proceedings of
International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering CSEE 2014
Abstract: “The integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the teaching and learning process in our today’s educational environments gave birth to what is known as e-learning technology. Correct implementation of these e-learning technologies can brings about a number of potential benefits to the educational systems that can ultimately leads to achieving the desired objectives through the use of these modern and qualitative innovations. When these technologies and innovations are effectively used in the instructional process not only they will reduced the cost effectiveness of the pedagogical and other relative constrains, but can also create a conducive atmosphere for exploring effective designed components from different perspectives. An important component of these e-learning systems in use today is called the intelligent tutoring system (ITS). ITS is a software system designed using artificial intelligent techniques (comprising of Fuzzy Logic, Neural-Networks, Bayesian ne”
Keywords: ITS, Fuzzy Logic, Ontology, Stud. Model