Proceedings of
8th International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering ACSEE 2019
Abstract: “Particle Swarm Optimization is an optimization technique emulates from social behaviour i.e. birds flocking, fish schooling and bee behaviour and it is also related to A-life i.e. artificial life (human life). It has wide range of applications in almost every field. In this paper we are applying this technique to Civil Engineering field for designing different types of beam loaded with UDL and supported with different support conditions i.e. simply support, cantilever and fixed support for obtaining optimal quantities of area of steel, moment of resistance and shear stress. With the help of PSO algorithm, MAT-LAB coding is formulated. Area of steel, Moment of resistance and Shear Stress obtain with the help of PSO model is compared with the results obtain by different computational methods i.e. 1) By using IS 456-2000 with manual calculations by rounding off values; 2) Using IS 456-2000 with manual calculations without rounding off values, And 3) Excel sheet calculation.”
Keywords: beam stress, computational