Proceedings of
8th International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering ACSEE 2019
Abstract: “A permeable matrix is placed in the flow of thecombustible gas mixture in infrared (IR) burners for theorganization and stabilization of the surface combustion regime.A stable regime of surface combustion occurs on the surface ofthe permeable matrix. Until the combustion rate of the gas mixture near the surface exceeds the velocity of the gas mixture,thesurface combustion process is stable. If the combustion ratebecomes less than the velocity of the gas mixture, the combustionzone is separated from the surface and combustion passes intothe flare mode. In our previous works it is shown that theintroduction of recuperative elements into the design of the IRburner allows to increase the heat flow from the combustionproducts to the surface of the permeable matrix and to increasethe maximum value of the specific combustion power for thesurface combustion mode to values of more than 100 W/cm2.However, at such high values of the specific power of surfacecombustion, the surface temperature of”
Keywords: gas mixture, surface combustion, infrared burner