Proceedings of
9th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Information Technology CCIT 2019
Abstract: “Information systems management can be challenging in smaller organizations. Typically, it is a question of managing scarce resources. Money is a limited resource, but also expertise is important, especially in smaller organizations. Information systems management is often a question of understanding the key areas in the infrastructure. Managing and developing key processes and areas in the organization is needed so that robustness and flexibility can be built into information systems. The starting point is here that information systems and technologies should enable rather than restrict, and support business goals and targets in the best possible way. In this article we argue that information systems should be managed, especially user support arrangements and backup procedures need to be well arranged. This is important in all organizations, also in smaller companies. The reliability and trustworthiness of technologies and systems are important, these are the elements that are the basi”
Keywords: information systems, management, technology